You can use head pins and eye pins to make quick and easy beaded charms to add to earrings, bracelets and other jewelry designs.
Head pins look like very thin nails. They're made from hardened wire and have a flat surface on one end that prevents beads from sliding off. Eye pins have a loop on one end.
To attach a beaded head pin or eye pin to another jewelry component, you need to make a loop. Basic loops can be opened and closed like jump rings and wrapped loops provide strong, secure connections.
To make a beaded charm with a basic loop at the top, string beads onto a head pin. Bend the pin against the top bead to form a 90 degree angle. Place your round nose pliers about 1/4" away, then turn your wrist to roll the pliers back toward the wire stem. This makes a nice, clean loop that sits straight on top of the pin. Cut off any extra wire. You can use pliers or a jump ring tool to open the loop and attach it to your design.
To make a beaded charm with a wrapped loop, string beads onto a head pin. Leave about 1/8", then bend the wire in a 90 degree angle. Place your round nose pliers about 1/4" away, then make a loop. Slip the loop onto whatever surface you want to attach it to (use earring as example). Use chain nose pliers to hold the loop, and then use your fingers to wrap the extra wire around the stem. Using your fingers to wrap the wire is much easier than trying to use the pliers to wrap the wire.
Using eye pins is basically the same as using head pins. String a bead onto the pin and make a loop at the top. Cut off any extra wire, and then attach the lower loop to another charm. This is an easy way to make dangle earrings.