Project 104-3Focal Pendants
- Blue Moon Beads® Glass Leaf Pendant - #58135
- Westrim Crafts® Leather Cord - #852
- Westrim Crafts® Large Crimps - #2306/3
- Westrim Crafts® Lobster Claw Clasp - #54293
- Westrim Crafts® Jump Rings - #5903/3
Cut three 16” lengths of black leather cord. Bringing the ends of the three lengths of cord together at one end, secure one large crimp to that end.
Slide on the focal pendant.
Secure the open ends of the leather cord together with crimp, as done in Step 1. Attach one jump ring to each crimp on the ends of the necklace.
Attach the lobster claw clasp jump ring to finish the necklace.
